====== MathML ====== **MathML** (//Mathematical Markup Language//) is the standard for source code of mathematical formulas in the web. It's a [[http://www.w3.org/XML/|XML]] application to Maths, a [[http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML3/|W3C Recommendation]], and part of [[http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/|HTML5]] and [[http://idpf.org/epub|EPUB 3]]. Current version is **MathML 3.0**. As author, when you want to have a formula in a web page, you put a chunk of MathML code in it. As a user, your browser should process the code and show you the formula. Unfortunately, the MathML specification is big, and browsers currently process only a small fraction of it, so some formulas are not correctly shown. That's why there exist third-party solutions to edit and show the formulas of the web. [[http://wiris.com/editor|WIRIS editor]] is a powerful formula editor that uses MathML to write and show formulas. See how this formula is shown by //Your browser// vs WIRIS_editor: ^ Your browser (may look broken) ^ WIRIS editor ^ | 135+89124 | 135+89124 | Learn more about MathML by looking at the [[:testsuite:|Test Suite]] examples. Or learn more about WIRIS_editor MathML [[:wiris:|flavor]]. * [[:testsuite:|{{:wiris:wiris_editor_132px.png}}]][[:testsuite:|MathML Test Suite]] * [[:wiris:|{{:wiris:wiris_editor_132px.png}}]][[:wiris:|WIRIS flavor]]