

Along the 1000+ examples of the Test Suite, there are sometimes discrepancies between the W3C sample image and the WIRIS editor result. Below is a list of the most frequent ones.

The main sources of these discrepancies are:

  • Some points of the standard are not clear or missing, so you can choose your implementation.
  • Some features are yet not implemented. Lots of features of the standard are yet not implemented by any software; that's why many of the W3C sample images have been made with LaTeX instead of MathML

TODO: Expand this list into split pages

  • WIRIS editor uses sans-serif font by default because it's better for the web. Done here: sanserif.
  • Default separator for lists is not stated in the standard; can be a comma, a space, or other
  • WIRIS editor is committed to support only symbols in the toolbar, and in western keyboards (latin-1), not the whole Unicode.
  • defaultStretchy
  • display inline
wiris/discrepancies.txt · Last modified: 2015/12/22 12:19 (external edit)